Woodville Plantation is seeking the following interns:
Archival Intern:
Woodville Plantation has a collection of photographs as well as institutional documents that need organized, cataloged, and stored. We are looking for someone with a passion for history that is interested in pursuing a museum, archival, or history career. The hours are part time and can be somewhat flexible, but the work must be done on site. This is an unpaid internship.
Please submit a letter of interest which includes any relevant experience to woodvillesitedirector@gmail.com
Digital Media Intern:
Woodville Plantation is seeking a Digital Media intern to rebuild our website and assess our digital presence. The ideal candidate would have the ability to design a new website using WordPress for the plantation as well as Wayne’s Legion, the reenactment group associated with the site. The candidate may work remotely. The internship is unpaid.
Please submit a letter of interest which includes any relevant experience to woodvillesitedirector@gmail.com Be advised that we will be requesting a portfolio to review if you are selected to move forward with the process.
Public Relations Intern:
Woodville Plantation is seeking a Public Relations student that is interested in promoting the history of Woodville to the local public through social media, web and print based outlets. Though Woodville’s open season is March – December, we have many important events during that time that need to be well publicized. The ideal candidate would be able to develop a schedule for advertising and work with staff to create cohesive event promotion as well as site publications. The job can largely be done remotely with a few visits to the site to get oriented. This is an unpaid internship.
Please submit a letter of interest which includes any relevant experience to woodvillesitedirector@gmail.com