Reopening Woodville


As always, the safety and wellbeing of all visitors and volunteers to Woodville Plantation is always of paramount concern for the Neville House Associates. In this time of uncertainty and continually changing information regarding the COVID-19 virus and its transmission, we came to the decision back in March to remain closed and postpone all immediate events until further notice.

As the situation has unfolded and in accordance with mandates, we have made the decision to slowly reopen Woodville Plantation and the John Neville House to the public, starting on JUNE 7, 2020. However, with certain precautions still necessary, we will have the following set in place for reopening:

  1. For the forseeable future, our Sunday house tours will be available BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.  The tours will still take place on Sunday afternoons, from 1-4PM, though each tour will be limited to no more than 5 visitors at a time and masks will be required.
  2. Most of our postponed events have been rescheduled for late summer and fall. Please visit our EVENTS CALENDAR to see what we have happening this year.
  3. For the earlier part of the summer, we also have a couple virtual presentations scheduled that we hope you will enjoy. In addition, our sewing circles will continue being virtual until further notice.

We appreciate your understanding and want to assure you that we will continually monitor this situation and even possibly continue to make updates to our schedule of events accordingly.
We do recommend that you check our website and Facebook page for additional updates.

To keep your family, friends, and community safe please visit the CDC’s website for more information about COVID-19:

Thank you and stay healthy!

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